Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Little Dog and His Boy

After last night's thunderstorms, we woke up to cool April showers.  It's in the 40s outside, but between Maxwell and my son cavorting in the backyard, you'd never know.

They make the ultimate team.  Maxwell digs the holes for the puddles and the rain fills them up.  Then my son dons his "fireman boots" and jumps in them, much to Maxwell's delight.

Of everyone in the house, Liam is the one I was most worried about adjusting to having a puppy.  He is only 4, and with an acquired nickname of Destructo, you might understand my reservations.

In the beginning, Liam was excited about the puppy coming home.  But soon after he seemed to lose interest a bit; it may have had something to do with those sharp puppy teeth.  And Liam, the smallest in our family and being nearest to Max in size, was often the target of those teeth as Maxwell engaged him in play as a litter mate.

However in just the last week the boys have really taken an interest in each other.  Liam loves to sit on the couch with Maxwell.  And it is the sweetest thing to watch Maxwell slow down and interact with Liam.  Where there were nips, and tugs, and snagged clothes before, things have given way to gentle play and snuggles.  Maxwell and Liam have now connected far and away more than any of the other kids.

Beautiful really.


  1. What a beautiful post and picture!

    1. It really is one of my favorites of late. I'm considering entering it in the photo contest at the GRCA National Specialty in October. It's conveniently being held about 90 minutes from my house this year.


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